Being one of the oldest leisurely activities, the chess game has become a household name. Be it kids or adults, almost everyone loves the chess game. Many times, people get confused about the various aspects of the chess game, like how many chess pieces there are or the exact moves of every piece, etc., so do you want to have a clear-cut understanding of the chess game? If yes, then you are at the correct place. Below, we have mentioned various chess pieces and moves associated with them. So, without any delay, let us start!
Chess game: An Introduction to most loved brain charger
A chess game is a universe, with every piece having its role. Many experts consider the game of chess as a brain charger because of its mind gripping moves and regulations. Many toddlers and kids are taught this game from childhood to sharpen their brains.

So, if you want to become a trained player and experience this brain charger, you should know about every piece. On the magical board, there are 64 squares with 32 pieces. Of those 32 pieces, 16 are white, whereas others are black.
Each piece in the game has an accurate numerical point, depending on whether it is a short-range or long-range piece. Remember that the value depends on the number of squares on the chessboard.
The typical chess pieces name on a chessboard are one king, two rooks, one queen, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. So next time you play with wooden chess pieces, always access the positions of all the pieces properly to win the game.
King :- The king is the most important component of the game. All the strategies are based on how to protect the king from the enemies. While playing, if you are successful in trapping the opposite king, it is known as a checkmate, i.e., you won the game.
Many experts believe that a king has an infinite value. It is always placed on the right side of the queen. If any piece attacks the king coming to the range of opposite colours, the king is considered under 'check.'
Additionally, one should remember that the king cannot be placed in a square next to the opponent king. The king piece can also make a move called castling. In this move, the king can move on a square on the other side with no pieces between the King and Rook. You should always remember that a king can never castle under the check.
Queen:- The most powerful piece on the chessboard, a queen, is considered of the highest value of 9 points. This piece is a long-range element that can move in all directions, but remember that it cannot jump over any other piece. The queen in the game is considered the protector, so use it accurately when playing with it.
Many experts believe the queen should never be involved too early in the game. One of the reasons for this is that opposites can easily attack this piece. Hence, at the beginning of the game, try to play with pawns and other minor pieces.
Rook:- The rook piece represents the elephant on the chessboard. The numerical value of this piece is 5 points, and it is a long-range element. It can move in a straight direction, both vertically and horizontally. The white and black teams have two rooks placed on the board's edge. They are named as 'a' and 'h' files. While playing the game, one should remember that the rook can move forward, backward, and sideways.
Experts believe that playing and understanding the moves of 'Rook' is one of the easiest. So, if you plan to understand how to play chess or want to learn how many chess pieces there are, you should learn about rook pieces beforehand.
Bishop:- A long-range piece, a bishop, is an element moving diagonally on the chessboard. It can cover as many squares as possible without jumping over any pieces. In addition, it has the power to capture pieces along the way. Every player in the game has two bishops; one is placed on the 'f' file, while the other is placed on the 'c' file.
Remember that the Queenside bishop is placed between the Queen and Queenside Knight, whereas the Kingside bishop is between the King and Kingside Knight. This element represents the camel on the chessboard. Additionally, remember that the bishop controls the majority of the squares on the chessboard when it is located at the center.
Knight:- Representing a horse on the chessboard, a knight looks like a horse. This piece has a special power to jump over the pieces and move two and a half squares ahead. A knight piece forms an 'L' shape with its movement and is considered an integral part of the game.
Experts believe Knight's piece should be placed on the central square and avoid using it on the edges. This element is valued at 3 points and is considered slightly weaker.
Pawn:- Each player in the chessboard game gets a chance to play with eight pawns. The numerical value of each pawn is 1 point. This piece represents the king's army and is placed on the front of the army.
A pawn can move two squares forward on the first move, and then it can eventually move one square at a time in the forward direction. All the pawns can move forward, and on the way, they can capture the pieces diagonally on the next square.
A chessboard game is an age-old tradition that has been followed and played for centuries. Detailed information is given above related to chess pieces. So, if you are learning to play chess or want to gain in-depth knowledge of the chessboard, you know where to go! Next time you plan to play chess, remember to get equipped with the functions of all the pieces to win the game. Remember that strategies are key to winning chess. What's the wait? Try this amazing game right now to understand the world of chess and become a pioneer.