What is stalemate?
In chess, "stalemate" is a special situation where one player's king is not in check, but there are no legal moves available, meaning the king cannot move to any square and there are no other pieces that can be moved. In this situation, the player whose king is unable to move is considered to be "stalemated."

Another way to achieve a draw is through "draw."
"Stalemate" is a result of a draw, but it differs from another form of draw known as "draw." In the case of "draw," the game concludes as a draw, while in the case of "stalemate," despite one player's king not being in check, they are still considered to be in a draw due to the lack of legal moves available.
"Stalemate" typically occurs when one side has no legal moves left at the end of the game, resulting in the king being unable to move anywhere, leading to a draw. "Stalemate" can be considered a mistake for the attacking side because, in certain situations, with more careful planning of piece movements, it could be avoided, allowing them to continue seeking opportunities for victory.

Here's the explanation of the different forms of draws (stalemates) in chess:
Threefold repetition: When the same position occurs three times with the same player to move, either player can claim a draw.
Fifty-move rule: If no capture or pawn move has occurred in the last 50 consecutive moves by both players, either player can claim a draw.
Insufficient material: If the only pieces left on the board are kings, or a king against a king with a knight (or knights), the game is considered a draw. This is because it's impossible to checkmate the opponent with the remaining material.
Agreement: At any point during the game, both players can agree to a draw if they both consent.
Dead position: When it's impossible to checkmate the opponent's king with any series of legal moves, for example, when both sides have only kings left, the game is considered a draw.
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